Cryopreservation of canine semen. Applications and development


  • C. A. Savignone Cátedra de Histología y Embriología. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNLP. Calle 60 y 118. B 1900AVW La Plata. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Instituto de Teriogenología. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNLP.
  • C. M. Tittarelli Instituto de Teriogenología. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNLP.
  • M. C. Stomelli Instituto de Teriogenología. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNLP.
  • F. Gimenez Instituto de Teriogenología. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNLP.
  • R. L. de la Sota Instituto de Teriogenología. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNLP.
  • M. A. Stomelli Instituto de Teriogenología. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNLP.


Semen, Canine, Cryopreservation


Semen cryopreservation and their later use by artificial insemination in canine are a reproductive biotechnology in development. Cryopreservation process induces sperms membranes and cellular metabolism alterations. The study of action of different substances added to extenders, their effect on the cryopreservation processes and the development of new freezing protocols, with obtaining better results during the freeze-thaw process, it will facilitate in the future the frequent application of this biotechnology. The action of different extender components used for cryopreservation of canine semen is analyzed in this work.



How to Cite

Savignone, C. A., Tittarelli, C. M., Stomelli, M. C., Gimenez, F., Sota, R. L. de la, & Stomelli, M. A. (2007). Cryopreservation of canine semen. Applications and development. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 42(167), 15–22. Retrieved from



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